Monday, March 9, 2009

Discribe Your Wealth Mindset

A successful mindset is the cornerstone of success in wealth creation. Without the right wealth creation mindset, negativity and lack of confidence pervade and eventually overtake the individual. A lack of the right mindset is one of the key reasons why people fail at wealth creation or fail to even try.

What Is The Right Wealth Creation Mindset?

In simple terms, the right wealth creation mindset is one of success. But the effective mindset for financial wealth achievement is more complex than that, and in fact there are many facets to the successful wealth creation mindset. What's more, every individual has a different need for improving the many facets of the wealth creation mindset. Developing and achieving the best state of mind to create wealth is a constant and ongoing effort, but one that literally pays dividends in the end for those who are able to achieve it.

A successful financial state of mind means different things to different people, much in the same way that the definition of success is different for different people. What is most beneficial for those embarking on a journey towards financial wealth is to identify clearly what wealth means to them, and what they recognize as their most beneficial mindset for wealth creation. The right mindset for making money can be any of the following, and most successfully in combination:

Success-success has been dubbed as the one catch-all term because it is what is recognized as the pinnacle of financial wealth. What success means to you is personal, but whatever it is, you need to name it, make it your goal, and keep it in the forefront of your wealth creating mind throughout.

Determination-success cannot be met without facing adversity. No person on this earth has ever made money without first overcoming some obstacles. The key is to be determined in the mindset you have created for yourself in terms of financial wealth and muddle through the down times so that you can enjoy the windfall.

Commitment-in many ways, society today is lacking commitment. We have easy escape clauses and we use them freely. This is a mindset that has to be changed in order to enjoy financial success. The successful wealth creation candidate sets their goal for success, commits everything to the effort, and remains determined to succeed.

Accomplishment-accomplishment is not only a term reserved for the long-run, end goal of financial success; accomplishment is also a term that applies to the interim,to that time when you are working towards creating wealth, working through temporary defeats, and enjoying small successes that get you closer to that end goal.

Positive,in magnets, opposites attract. You are not that kind of magnet. In wealth creation, like 'charges' attract. Your positive thinking creates more positive thoughts, more ingenuity, more ideas; your positive thoughts attract other positive thoughts and allow you to see possibilities set forth by other people. On the other hand, negative thoughts will get you none of these things, and will only breed more negativity in your mind set. Ultimately, pervasive negativity will spell your financial wealth-creating failure, and you'll only (at best) enjoy the status quo.

Confidence-wealth creation can include some risk, and that can be scary for some people. Remaining confident in your determination to build wealth, and confident in your ability to manage your wealth creation strategies, finding the support you need, is what will get you through the more uncomfortable aspects of creating wealth.

These words are just a handful in the English language that might be used to describe the right mindset for creating wealth. You yourself may prefer to embrace other terms that are more manageable and meaningful to you. However you define financial success, you'll surely never reach it if you don't take some time to develop a positive, workable wealth creation mindset to govern your money-making moves toward financial freedom.

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Wealth Formula Secret

The Wealth Formula succinctly depicts the components that are necessary for you to create real wealth. The Wealth Formula is shown below:


It identifies four essential wealth creation stages and the relationship between them. These are:

Wealth Mindset
Wealth Knowledge
Wealth Planning
Wealth Action

It links each of these four component through the plus sign, +, which signifies that each of the four components are necessary for you to create wealth. In other words, missing one or more of the four wealth components will dramatically impact your ability to generate wealth.

For example, you could mentally prepare yourself, learn everything you need to make enormous wealth and create the most detailed plan to achieve your desired level of wealth, but if you don't action it then all that preparation is worthless.

Similarly, if you mentally prepare yourself, learn everything you need to make enormous wealth and run off actioning your newfound mindset and knowledge but fail to make a plan it is like setting off in your car to go somewhere you've never been without taking a map. What's your wealth destination? How will you know if you've achieved what you wanted to achieve? How do you know your using the right investment vehicle? How do you know if you're on track or not to reach your target? Are you surpassing or underachieving against realistic milestones? All of these questions would be easily answered with proper planning.

So let's look at each of the four wealth creation categories in turn.

Wealth mindset:

Wealth Mindset is the first of the four wealth creation categories and examines the importance of the correct mindset to creating wealth and financial freedom. Wealth mindset covers the interaction between you and your environment and the process of adjusting your thought process to think like the wealthy.

For example, the poor and middle class generally think that money is scarce and hard to come by. Saying such as "Money doesn't grow on trees" and "I can't afford that" spring to mind. The wealthy see a world of opportunity and abundance. They see money as little more than a concept and simply the by-product of providing value to others. They also know that offering value to others is only limited by their imagination and thus money must too only be limited by their imagination. The wealthiest people of the planet simply understand this and have incredible imaginations that create amazing value to others.

For example, Jeff Bezos realised that bookstores were severely limited in the amount of books they could offer their customers due to geographic and physical constraints. In other words bookstores could only service customers that lived near them and could only offer a limited amount of books, which fit in their store. He saw an amazing opportunity to solve these two problems by giving access to anyone anywhere via the Internet and offering a catalogue that is 40 times the size of a large bookstore. Jeff founded the multi-billion dollar company Amazon!

Wealth Knowledge:

Wealth knowledge is the second of the four wealth creation categories and examines the financial knowledge that is essential to create wealth and financial freedom. It is essential for wealth creation that you are knowledgeable about your own personal finances, the economy, the psychology of markets, compound interest and the asset classes and investment products available to you. Further, you need to understand how to interpret financial statements, investment strategies and risk management all from the wealth creation perspective.

Wealth Planning:

Wealth planning is the third of the four wealth creation categories and examines the essential component of planning to create wealth and financial freedom. Wealth planning is absolutely essential, yet on 3% of the population has clearly written goals and plans. A Harvard Business School study found that this 3% earned 10 times the average of the other 97% and they accumulated 98% of the wealth.

Wealth Action:

Wealth Action is the forth and final wealth creation category and examines the element of action in your wealth journey to create wealth and financial freedom. The importance of action to achieving wealth is obvious. Nothing can be achieved without action.

By using the wealth formula you can easily learn where your wealth creation strengths and weaknesses are and where you need to concentrate your efforts at improving.

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