Friday, August 15, 2008

Jim Toner's Wealth Builder Seminars, Learn And Take Action

Jim Toner is a successful fulltime investor who has been generous in sharing the path to financial freedom through investment in real estate. Inspired by a book written by Charlie “Tremendous” Jones, Jim Toner moved to become a multimillion real estate investor. His story of success brought him in studios of CNN, NBC, Fox News, and ABC, where he talks about his success building tips. His expertise to ethical real estate investing has brought him in the pages of famous business magazines such as Business Opportunity Magazine, The Pittsburgh Post Gazette, Opportunity World, Essence Magazine, The Pittsburgh Tribune Review, Opportunity World, Yahoo Finance,, and many more.

His string of achievements has made him to become one of the sought-after lecturers and speakers of real estate. This too has prompted him to create a wealth builder site in his effort to show people that success is closer than they think. Jim Toner also conducts wealth building seminars and workshops to guide those who are seeking ways to succeed in their career in real estate business. He believes that the most powerful tool to financial freedom and success is through real estate investment.

Jim Toner Wealth Building Seminars shares the basic steps to financial success and it is by having a plan and by being in the right company of people. To achieve your goal to be rich or prosperous, you have to have a plan of your own. Today at a very young age of 45, Jim Toner is now a wealthy realtor, married, and with two kids. The Jim Toner Wealth Building Seminars emphasize on planning for your future that includes taking control of your financial future by taking action. Nothing could be fulfilled in waiting and watching. By attending one of his Wealth Builders Program, one can have a better plan and picture for his life and finances. The first step to success or getting rich is by doing the things you want and planning them.

In Jim Toner’s Wealth Builders Program, you will know why it is important to surround yourself with the right people. To surround yourself with people who are living a lifestyle that inspires you and the kind of life you aspire to have is the second important element for success. Your constant companions will tell you where your plan is leading you. Having a plan and working on the plan is very important for Jim Toner. He sums it up in two words when he said, “take action.”

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Wednesday, August 6, 2008

The New Millionaires Actions

Do you remember that part from the movie Boiler Room where Ben Affleck is giving his “Act as if” pep talk to the young stock brokers? I know, horrible movie, but this is a great scene and has some truth to it.

If you want to become a millionaire and have loads of money, you need to act like a millionaire. What is it that you think millionaires do and how do they act? Figure that out and you will most certainly become one yourself.

What happens when you have a millionaire mindset? You start believing you are a wealthy, you feel you deserve to be wealth, and you start doing the things millionaires do? As a result, money will be attracted to you effortlessly.

You’ll start hanging out places that millionaires do, and soon they will be your friends. And do you know what millionaires like to do with their friends? They like to help them succeed. That’s because to them, money is a sport, and they like to coach and they like to win.

What happens when you start doing the things millionaires do? You start thinking in terms of accumulating wealth, rather than how much you are going to make so you can spend it. You’ll start investing like millionaires, thinking about creating new streams of income like millionaires, and soon enough you’ll start making money like a millionaire.

So Where do I Start?

How do you act as if you are rich? Find out where the wealthy people hang out in your area. Are there auction events, real estate meetings, business owener associations?

Once you find them, find a way to provide something of value. Chances are walking up to someone and saying, “Hi, I understand you are really rich and I want to learn how I can become rich too” won’t work. Just be approachable, introduce yourself and be complimentary. Find out a little about them and what they do, and maybe there is something you can help them with.

How Can I Act Like a Millionaire?

If introducing yourself to strangers isn’t your thing, then start learning how to become a millionaire by doing the things they do. Don’t waste your time watching TV. Go out and get a book on how to create wealth, listen to investing podcasts, and browse through personal finance blogs. There’s plenty of information out there to teach you how to act rich. Then take action.

When you start to act like a millionaire, you’ll start believing you are one. When that happens, the law of attraction will pull money towards you.

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The Secrets Behind Millionaires:: How they Build they Wealthy Life

Finding the millionaires secrets to becoming wealthy can be obtained by learning the knowledge the rich people have. There are many wealthy people that have gotten that way by being patient and working hard to become millionaires. There are some that have been lucky and the riches have fallen into there laps. There are those lottery winners that have become instant millionaires and of course there is the guy who inherited his daddy's empire but the truth is that most rich millionaires got that way because they learned the wealth secrets that helped the obtain wealth.

Learn how to: Make Money Online

One of the most important things you can do is to turn some of your spending into investing. Most people buy things that they don't really need and this keeps them into a broke mentality because they end up having too much debt. You want to make a list of things that are a must have and then make a list of things you buy now that you do not need or can do without for a while.

Learn Information About: Secrets to Making Money

It is important that when you start to invest in your future and move yourself towards becoming a millionaire, you need to get some knowledge. Most people who have made it big understand what they are investing in this is why they only make smart investment choices.

Remember that to become rich and make millions of dollars you need to be disciplined and you need to set up a plan. Have goals that you can obtain and always make sure you find the knowledge you need to be successful.

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