Wednesday, August 6, 2008

The New Millionaires Actions

Do you remember that part from the movie Boiler Room where Ben Affleck is giving his “Act as if” pep talk to the young stock brokers? I know, horrible movie, but this is a great scene and has some truth to it.

If you want to become a millionaire and have loads of money, you need to act like a millionaire. What is it that you think millionaires do and how do they act? Figure that out and you will most certainly become one yourself.

What happens when you have a millionaire mindset? You start believing you are a wealthy, you feel you deserve to be wealth, and you start doing the things millionaires do? As a result, money will be attracted to you effortlessly.

You’ll start hanging out places that millionaires do, and soon they will be your friends. And do you know what millionaires like to do with their friends? They like to help them succeed. That’s because to them, money is a sport, and they like to coach and they like to win.

What happens when you start doing the things millionaires do? You start thinking in terms of accumulating wealth, rather than how much you are going to make so you can spend it. You’ll start investing like millionaires, thinking about creating new streams of income like millionaires, and soon enough you’ll start making money like a millionaire.

So Where do I Start?

How do you act as if you are rich? Find out where the wealthy people hang out in your area. Are there auction events, real estate meetings, business owener associations?

Once you find them, find a way to provide something of value. Chances are walking up to someone and saying, “Hi, I understand you are really rich and I want to learn how I can become rich too” won’t work. Just be approachable, introduce yourself and be complimentary. Find out a little about them and what they do, and maybe there is something you can help them with.

How Can I Act Like a Millionaire?

If introducing yourself to strangers isn’t your thing, then start learning how to become a millionaire by doing the things they do. Don’t waste your time watching TV. Go out and get a book on how to create wealth, listen to investing podcasts, and browse through personal finance blogs. There’s plenty of information out there to teach you how to act rich. Then take action.

When you start to act like a millionaire, you’ll start believing you are one. When that happens, the law of attraction will pull money towards you.

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